• Kiwi kidults return!

    . We’ve had the kidults that were in New Zealand for most of the last year, back home for the last two weeks. (aka the KWL team) They stayed at the house in town, and have been doing some wonderful work for us while they visited. There has been a lot that they have achieved over the last fortnight

  • DIY decore

    . We’ve had some sunny days!! Oh yes indeed they have been truly glorious, as only crisp sunny winter days can be – thoroughly gorgeous. Days like the ones we’ve had this week, just bring about a happiness deep in the soul that can be quite hard to explain without sounding like some spaced-out 60s hippy – but suffice to say,

  • Winter Is Coming

    . Its been a big time for us at Strigidae Farm – with a lot going on. So strap in – this might end up being a long one!! Firstly – it has been an incredibly difficult time emotionally for us both,

  • There she blows!

    We got very lucky this time round – with the cyclone dropping down further south. We were concerned that our first cyclone on the Farm was going to be this one, and whilst we prepared as well as we could, there was definitely some angst about how we would fare. As happens when events like this pop up – one tends to have a quiet word to “the above” – which in our case is always to two in particular, of our departed relatives: Dallas & Mac. Just a general kind of “please keep us, and our kids and grandies – safe“. Well we had a bit of a discussion…