Hurricane Hell!
At the end of last week, we had a frantic few days.
Hurricane Irma had hit the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and we had five relatives unaccounted for – our Sister, Nephew, his Wife and their 2 Kids.
48hrs was spent trolling the internet, phoning, messaging etc for news, before we finally got word that our Nephew and his family were safe – but it was another agonising 18hrs before we finally got word that our sister and the lady she was with (who weren’t with our nephew and his family) were also safe.
Stranded – but safe!
The relief amidst all our family back here in Australia awaiting news – was definitely palpable!!
It was ten days post-Irma, before we finally got to hear our sisters voice over the phone…
She had been evacuated via Puerto Rico, then Dallas and into Vancouver – where she has lodgings for a while, with some friends.
She and the others are – thankfully – physically unhurt.
Just how that is we will never know – when everything around them was thoroughly wiped out – but we’re sooooo very grateful…
The trauma of what they have been through is a whole other matter though, and will take quite some doing (and time) to process.
There will undoubtably be scars left within them, forever…
Its too early for them to have ‘plans’ for their future – they’re pretty much still in survival mode.
They are refugees, in the truest sense of the word, relying on others for their everything right now.
And that alone can be difficult to deal with – when you’re people who are used to being independent – used to being the ‘carers’, not the ‘cared for’.
But they will rise to the challenge.
There will be a few wobbles along the way (and a lot of overwhelmed tears) – but they’ll make it.
They are #BVIstrong !!!
Now – this isn’t something that we’d ordinarily do – but desperate times call for desperate measures…
The devastation that the BVI has gone through is beyond belief – and help is needed in so many ways.
If you can manage to spare a few dollars and you’d be willing to help our relatives directly – you can donate here: Faragher-Kneipp Rebuilding Fund
To help with the much-need aid to the whole of BVI – please head over to BVI Community Support Appeal which has been set up by Richard Branson and is fee-free.
We thank you for any small amount you might be able to spare…
Big Hugs – and remember:
hold your loved ones that little bit tighter, for a little bit longer tonight (and every night than you can), and if you’re loved ones aren’t within your arms reach, touch base with them and let them know how very important they are to you…
We know its difficult to do sometimes – you just get caught up in that whirlwind which is LIFE – but you never know what tomorrow may bring for you and yours…
Thank You.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou…!

I don’t know if i successfully thanked you for what you did here for us or all the time you spent trying to find us and all the work you did… i love you so very much xxx😍
We love you too Haggis.
We’re all just glad you and the rest of the Family are safe, and if we helped at all in some small way – thats a bonus…
Big big love x