Done and Undone
So after cracking it a number of times to the guy who has supposed to be doing the slashing for the last month – he finally turned up the other day.
The very same day that it once again started raining, after 5 days of sunshine!!
And surprise surprise – he left it until almost lunchtime on the day the rain recommenced; and the ground was once again too wet to get the tractor in.
We think he’d probably worked out that we were at the end of our tethers with him by this point though – and he wisely chose to tackle it on his ride-on instead – so that it would at least be down to a manageable (for us) level – as by the time he finally graced us with his appearance, it was up just over 5 foot high in some places…
More power to the guy – he managed to get through it – though it did take quite a number of hours, and a lot of passes to get is down.
Admittedly – it was kind of comical looking out the window in the direction of the mower noise, and all that could be seen was the tops of the grass swaying in a ‘mexican-wave’ type row, as he moved through it on the mower, as he was a good foot and half lower than the top of the grass 🙂
We were then left with the fence-line once again needing to be brush-cut, as he couldn’t get the mower in close enough to do it – so we had a guy come out on Friday to make a start on it, and of course an hour or so into him working, the brush-cutter promptly pitched a bitch-fit, and stopped working. 😐
There is definitely something about petrol-driven tool type thingys, that do not go well in our household – it’s always been the same…
At one point about 10 years ago, we were going through a mower a year, cos it was cheaper to buy a new one than have have the one we’d bought a year earlier fixed!
Thankfully – thus far, our cars know we love them, and haven’t decided to be sympathetic to our other petrol driven items plight…
So, its back off to Bunnings tomorrow morning, to tell them we’d like to swap the shitbox we got just before Xmas, for one that actually consistently works , thank you very much!
We have managed to get the grass around the veggie beds and the outbuildings snippered with the battery snipper, but it just isn’t ‘tough’ enough to be able to get through the thick tall grasses on the fence-line.
We did also get the bedroom feature wall finished this week though!
It still needs some artwork, and some decorating of course, but that will come with time 🙂
So thats about it for this time around…as always – if you’re enjoying the ride so far, feel free to sign up to get each new update directly to your inbox.
And remember – sharing is caring… 🙂
Until next time – have a good one and look after YOU!