Guest Post #2


This is Guest Post #2!

This one is from our youngest son Thomas – and is his perspective from a visit back in August…

NOTE: if anyone one else wants to do a ‘Guest Post’ – just write it up, email it to us, and we’ll get onto the business of formatting it and putting it up!





For those of you that know Selina and I, you know that it really doesn’t take much to get us excited!
So to try and put into words how amazing this place is, is a challenge to say the least!

We arrived back on the Tablelands at around lunch time, and as we neared the top of the Palmerston Range, I REALLY started to feel it.
I was going HOME!

It had been a home for us all (Selina, our best friend and member of the family Michael and Moi!) but for me, the Tablelands was special, and this trip in particular was.

It had been 25 months for me since last seeing my beautiful Mummas – and with Uluru, Kata tjuta, Watarrka and Aotearoa in between – there was sooo much catching up to do!
Not to mention the cuddles!!!

Selina in my co-pilot seat sends Sarah a message when we approach Milla to warn of our arrival and before I know it, 40 minutes has whirled passed and we’re pulling in to the driveway of the Town-House and I’m leaping up the stairs to give Sarah a much awaited shnuggle – with Selina and Michael not far behind!

What was to follow next, nobody really knew!
We’re good like that!

But nothing could go on until a ritualistic sit-down catch-up situation had taken place, then it was off to ‘station square’ and ‘countdown’ ( the local Shopping centre and Woolies) before heading out for a Farm tour.

As we approached the Farm, I had so many ideas / expectations of what we were to find, but nothing would prepare me for the incredible place The Mummas now call home.

I was excited enough by the fact that they were now living on a Road as opposed to a Street!
Small things!

As soon as the front wheels touched the driveway, I knew the place was special – and such a testament to what can be achieved with so much love and a small amount of space – and as we rounded the drive way – there she was…HOME!!

I couldn’t wait to dig my peepers in!

And to see the pride and the joy on my mothers face and feel the fire in her soul for this place – beyond explanation!

After a tour of the Farm, it was back in to town to get ourselves settled for a lil working-bee holiday thingy!
Might I add, that this entire time, I was lucky enough to have Selina in tow with her camera, hot on the trail!

The time eventually came for us to head back out to the Farm!
I was sooo excited all over again.
Selina too.

We then got to see and schnuggle our other Mumma, now that she was finished work.
I may have also been partially excited for the home-cooked meal that was to accompany the whole ordeal!!
So blessed to say that this became a nightly ritual…

I’m surprised I lasted this long without mentioning…THE BREAD!!!!

Sarah is a demon at making bread.
Lovely warm fresh bread of many different kinds, and it’s almost sacrilege not to have bread with dinner.

Did you know…if you slice your bread-roll into three portions (or get your better half to do it) then you will have enough bread for dinner AND a piece left over for marmalade!!
Thanks Mumma!
(You’re also extremely lucky if you can manage to get your mawlers on some Strigidae lime marmalade!)

So….after a much needed catch up with the Mummas and glorious amounts of food it was time to skidaddle, leaving us time to re-coup and ready for the fortnights adventures and for the Mummas to enjoy the pure bliss that is Strigidae Farm! 😍❤️

The next fortnight went waaaay too quickly!

We put a moderate dint in the heavy-lifting that was to be done between both properties, and also managed to give our own input around the Farm, through what we saw as odd-jobs and menial tasks.

It was definitely confirmed that we had done our bit when Sarah said to me “you’ve done about 2 months work in 2 days!!!!.”

Editors Note: A lot of the pics that were taken during that time, were featured in the Kiwi Kidults Return post, but we’ll post more if they send us more! <—hint hint >

Packing up of the house in town.


Lots of holes dug, and lots of food trees were planted, and where once stood an empty paddock, now there was an ORCHARD!!


Finger-Limes have teeth – and if you aren’t careful – they BITE!


Bread Rolls – the food of LIFE!

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