Hot & Sweaty
Sure enough – the heat has come in, and the Farm is getting drier by the minute…
And yep – we’re alllll hot & sweaty!!
We know that there should be a decent bit of rain on our horizon in the near future, which will bring our little piece of Paradise back to life in no time at all – but in the meantime, its just a case of keeping the house-yard and the few trees that are left in the orchard, watered and alive until that time arrives!
So with that in mind, we thought we’d do some ‘before the rain arrives‘ photos – so that we can look forward to doing some ‘after the rain‘ photos, when it all greens back up again, and were whinging about having to mow every five minutes once again. lol
We’ve had some overcast days and a few small showers this week, but it hasn’t been enough for us to not continue to do the watering.
You can see from the photos that the only places getting the water in the house-yard are the raised beds and the wannabe food-forest, and a few small patches in front of the house doors, where the dishwater gets tossed each day.
The big vegie garden has been allowed to pretty much die right off, apart from the comfrey, cabbages and daisy, which are just managing to hang in with the occasional dose of water tossed their way.
We’ll bring it back into commision and Life properly, once we can add some more compost, and a good drenching to it, as the soil has become pretty hydrophobic with the dry and neglect…
The garden beds out the front are in a pretty sorry state too, (sadly we’ve lost the raspberries) and if we get some cooler weather, its hoped that we might be able to get into those tomorrow – as there are 10 bags of compost waiting to be turned into them, and some mulch-straw to go on the top, then some pretty brightly-coloured flowers to go in, to cheer everything up a bit 🙂
A little patch of green in the distance – the old orchard, which still has an avacado tree, and a fingerlime.
More desperately dry paddock.
The only patches of green in the houseyard, are around the raised beds.
Showers incoming, only very light, and we still need to water every day, but better then nothing!
Just incase you havent had your bread-porn photos this week – heres a loaf of Sourdough, and a loaf of Fruit Bread – for your viewing pleasure 🙂