• Hot & Sweaty

    … Sure enough – the heat has come in, and the Farm is getting drier by the minute… And yep – we’re alllll hot & sweaty!! We know that there should be a decent bit of rain on our horizon in the near future, which will bring our little piece of Paradise back to life in no time at all – but

  • September Silliness

    September Silliness

    … It’s time for an update – so here’s a bit of the goings-on during the September silliness season! It’s getting very dry around the Farm, with not really having had any decent rain of any consequence since about March. We’re sooooo much luckier than the poor drought-ridden southern Farms are though, in that we don’t have stock and mass croppings to try and keep going. Its such a tragedy to see… Yep – its dry here, and the lawn is going brown bit by bit, but we not only have water available, but we are super-careful with the water that we do use, even though its easily available to…

  • DIY decore

    . We’ve had some sunny days!! Oh yes indeed they have been truly glorious, as only crisp sunny winter days can be – thoroughly gorgeous. Days like the ones we’ve had this week, just bring about a happiness deep in the soul that can be quite hard to explain without sounding like some spaced-out 60s hippy – but suffice to say,

  • True Colours

    . We thought that today, we’d just give you a bit of a look at the beautiful colours around the Farm, as we head in to winter. (sorry the photos don’t do justice, it’s a grey drizzly day, so the colours haven’t really translated as vibrantly as they look!) We love, love LOVE this time of the year!! 😀