• Cyclone Season

      The end of last year and the start of this has been a busy period with two cyclones having had an effect of us already, and the season has really only just begun! We feel like we’ve been very fortunate with how we’ve fared through each of them, but that makes us that bit more nervous for the ‘next one’… In less than 2 months, we have had over 1200mm of rain and the ground is definitely now beyond saturation point. We had some earth works done on the Farm in the middle of last year, and they have made a world of difference in the water being able…

  • Hello Again

    It’s been almost a year to the day since we last wrote here, and it’s been a year with a lot of ups and downs and a lot of good and some not so good – no different to anyone else on the planet really – but at the end of the day we’re still very happy, we still love our Farm and we still love each other. Our ‘heartkid-grandbaby’ has had another operation, and has pulled through fabulously (such a lil trooper!) AND there have been another couple grandbabies added to the chaos! The last year has seen a lot of growth from the paddock plantings in particular, and it…

  • Autumn

    We’re moving into Autumn here in Australia, and in Far North Qld its one of our prime growing seasons. We’ve just put in a fresh bed of starts of lettuce, wombok, snap peas and green beans in one of our large house-yard beds. Last week saw the last of the summer crops – as well as a shit-ton of comfrey – cleared out from our big vegie bed [and yes, that’s a technical measure! ] ready for the autumn/winter plantings. Some Cauliflower and Broccoli went in a couple of days ago, as well as some Spinach, Beets and Winter Squash, and there are a whole lot more starts waiting for us to get…

  • ps to Northland

    . PS to the Northland post: Cant make any promises sorry – but have got the video of ‘Chef Suzette‘ down to less than half its original size! Hope it works for you 😀 xx  

  • Festivities, Family & Fun

      . We had a lovely few days surrounded by Family, with everyone getting together for the first time in ages, for the Wedding of our youngest daughter to her beau of 11 years. Its surreal to think thats its already a week ago! 😐 The Friday before the wedding was when all of our family members (except one – sadly Patrick couldn’t join us until the next day) arrived, so we had a barbecue in the evening down on the lakeside. There were about 15 of us all up – and despite the winds picking up and most of the Southerners being caught out by the cold, it was a…

  • Hot & Moist

    . We’ve had a couple of weeks of extremes on the weather scale… This time last week we were in the midst of a deluge, and were out in said deluge digging drainage trenches, and watching our 10kg doorstep float away!! The good thing about the rain is it replenished some ground-water, which was badly needed. Everything was getting very dry! It also meant that for the best part of a week, we got away with not having to water the gardens and orchard. This week, we are suffering through 32+ degree heatwaves. [35 today!] A lot of the plants – especially those in the nursery – are sagging from…

  • Time flies…

    . Firstly – we’d like to thank all of you wonderfully kind folks who sent your thoughts, love and support (and $$s!!!) to our Family members who’d been through the trauma of Hurricane Irma… Between the worry for our Family, a bit of down-time with illness, a sneaky weekend away, and work interrupting Life (as it does!) there

  • A Guest Post!

    . Editors Note: This time around, were doing something a lil different – so you’re going to have to wait a little bit longer for the usual update from us! Our eldest daughter, son-in-law and grandson have been up for a quick visit, and it’s the first time any of them have been to Strigidae Farm. Thus far they have only had photos, phone calls and our blog updates to base their understanding / knowledge of what we’re up to and what our long term plans are based around – but now – they’ve finally got to BE here, and so we thought it would be fun to include a Guest Post,…