• wtf 2019?!


    Its nothing short of terrifying to those of us that are getting older, how bloody quickly time marches on… We are obviously well overdue for an update – other than the random posts like the fact that the plants have been flowering – so being that the last proper update was in August, without further ado – let get into it!! September was a biiiiiig month – which started out with

  • MORE visitors and job being done!

    . We’ve certainly had a few cold nights during the first couple of weeks of June, with the mercury hovering seriously close to ZERO °C on a couple of occasions. We’ve also had some light frost and the winds have amped up a bit, which adds to the

  • A Guest Post!

    . Editors Note: This time around, were doing something a lil different – so you’re going to have to wait a little bit longer for the usual update from us! Our eldest daughter, son-in-law and grandson have been up for a quick visit, and it’s the first time any of them have been to Strigidae Farm. Thus far they have only had photos, phone calls and our blog updates to base their understanding / knowledge of what we’re up to and what our long term plans are based around – but now – they’ve finally got to BE here, and so we thought it would be fun to include a Guest Post,…