Movin’ On
So its finally DONE!
We’re finally movin’ on!
Nooooo – dont panic – we arent going anywhere – we’re just finally going to be able to slowly pick up threads of our Life again.
The house in town has been SOLD, and the new folks (Paul & Rhianna) have begun making their stamp on our lovely little ex-home.
It’s going to take them a decent amount of elbow grease, as the poor ole lady has suffered somewhat with the neglect its sustained with not having anyone full-time within her walls for the last year, and you could feel it in those last few weeks, that she’d given up a bit…so parting was a bit of a sweet-sorrow…
But they’re a young couple with a family of kids, and they’re up for and excited by the challenge – so we’re sure they will do wonderful things to bring her back to where she should be!
Paul & Rhianna were also a great help with the final push of bringing over some of the big/heavy items – including the big heavy silky-oak door that is planned on being the bathroom door – and the huge pot-plant that used to sit at the front of the house.
We’re only going to be able to plant it out if we can get a digger in to make the hole AND lift it in though, and its currently lying on its side down by the back fence-line. lol. Its survival will depend of the garden-gods for now!
And NO – we aren’t suddenly rolling in the spoils – as we did what is commonly known as a ‘fire sale’, just to be done with the financial burden – but with that financial burden gone, the mental and emotional burdens that went with that particular compartment of our life, are also slowly going – so we will be on the rise again in time! 🙂
Now we can begin to look more toward what we want and need to get started on next at the Farm and do all the fun exciting planning bits once again, for the next stages.
The sort of things that will include finishing the walls with insulation and lining, so that we don’t have to spend another summer baking quite as much as we did last year, and earlier this year.
We’ll finish doing the three internal walls for the bathroom, and maybe even finally look at being able to put in the septic – and have running water inside the FarmHouse – but there’s no need to rush all these new-fangled inclusions!! 😀 😀
A fortnight or so back, we were invited over to our neighbours P&J place, for a curry evening with some other couples, and it was a nice evening with some great food, and it was great to be able to have a look around inside, now that they have been in the house for a few months, and are settling in and happy with how its turned out.
We have managed to get the driveway a bit more sorted – we were worried we wouldn’t get it done before September, when the monsoon season tends to roll in – as you never know if or when you’ll get your next window of opportunity to be able to get trucks in, once the rains start!
We’re hoping to get some more soil in for the gardens before then too.
We’ve lost a few plants over the winter – some to neglect while we were away, and a few to the frosts we’ve had since we’ve been back.
The cats have settled in faaaar too well at the Farm – and thankfully due to their age, they’re happy to stay at home, snoozing their days away in the dappled sun, and aren’t out pestering the neighbours or the wildlife – and they are still (as they’ve always been) locked up inside at night.
Not having walls means that once we are asleep they love to sneak into the warmth of the bed, which is ok-ish while it’s still cool, but once the weather heats up, they’ll have to go annoy the puppies or sleep on the couch!
We’re also tossing the idea around of them giving them the old ‘Cluck Manor’ as their night digs – and will probably investigate that a little further this weekend.
Work-life has been busy as always for us both, but the days have been thoroughly glorious, with temps in the early 20s and the sun having that special wintery magicalness with clear skies, or if there is cloud, then its the lovely streaky whispy kind.
Just gorgeous, and certainly encourages you to get outside and bask a little!
We’re looking toward the next chapter of what our Life may look like, and in time we’ll be actively pursuing the Slow Simple Life more and more once we get past the current family stuff that we’ve got going on, but in saying that – we know that we’re going to need to be vigilant that some other ‘thing we have to get through’ doesn’t take its place… 🙂
Stuff from the house in town.
Making room in our ‘shed’.
Cleaning up the big gardens.
Fencing off the ‘bathroom’ so that the cats have an area where we can feed them without the dogs scoffing the leftovers.
Hamish diligently waits at the gate for Mummas return.
Contouring of the driveway meant that some of the leftover dirt went into the empty garden bed down in the paddock.
Looky there – a contoured driveway with roadbase!
We should be right as far as the driveway goes, once the wet season arrives.
Frittata made in the instant-pot with eggs from our girls.
The basket that it’s sitting in was a lovely surprise pressie from our friends who had been on a trip overseas. Its fabuous!!
More instant-pot goodness!
Beautiful skies on a crisp winters day – glorious!
Baby mulberries setting on the tree.
Molly is happy to have another redhead back in the house.
Kisses all round!
Some things never change…
Blaze has always been the supreme helper in the kitchen! ~sheesh!~

I hope the avocado tree didn’t die!
nope – its still plugging along nicely! lol x
Bernie Melbourne
go Blaze go, next Master Chef 😛
He’s a great Chef! lol
Sammie (chook - the eldest daughter)
Everything looks absolutely fantastic. Whether you think you’re at the new stage or just making it. It looks like home. Can’t wait to visit and know there is no other house but the farm x
thankyou sweetie!! xxx
Here’s to the next glorious stage. 🥂😘
Thanks Bec – we’re very ready! 🙂
Sharon Dane
Still berating ourselves for forgetting we were in your midst just over a month ago! Doing your home up bit by bit seems to be a luxury in terms of appreciation that most never experience. Enjoy every day 🙂
yep – would have been lovely to see you!
And thank you – yes, its great to be able to do, just some days it would be nice to be able to do bits of it a lil sooner lol 😀