Power & Our Passions
We’ve got the kitchen to the point where we are just about ready to put the benchtops on and have now ‘measured twice and cut once’ the timber (chisseling doesnt count thankyou very much!) so now the first row of shelving is installed and stained right the way along the full length of the kitchen wall.
We’ve built another raised garden bed – this one is quite a large one, that will be used as a ’round-about’ of sorts, in our front yard, and will have a huge water-gum planted in it – whom we’ve named Horatio – as well as some flowers and herbs.
We’ve also finally got the majority of the built-in shelving pulled down; and just have the uprights to unscrew from the shed frame.
Annnnd – have had a bit of a clean-up of doesnt-need-to-be-in-the-shed crap, that has now been moved out to the container.
Some louvres came up for sale on one of the local Buy, Swap, Sell site, and we had a good score when we went to see them.
The guy who was selling them is a bit of a collector of ‘stuff’, and we managed to score a bath, and a huge trough as well – all for a decent price.
And at the tip shop, we found some huge (double) pallets, and an old metal frame, and they will be turned into a kennel – complete with decking, for the dogs.
Lots of recyclying/upcycling being done – which makes us happy and feeling productive.
There are two other big bits of news though…
1) We have a new puppy!
Tuesday evening we bought home our adopted rescue dog Digby TwoPointOh Whitby, to join our Family.
He’s a mastiff boxer cross, so we think he’s probably going to be quite a big boy, and is already about the same size as Molly & Hamish.
Super cute though, with a feisty personality, and he’s all legs and silliness – so falls over himself pretty often.
Hamish (Silky Terrier) is dealing with this new intruder reasonably well – with only the occasional snap or snarl to keep that annoying pup in check – as ya do – but Molly (Cavelier) is not liking him – not one lil bit!
He’s been being soooo submissive to her, and for all his efforts, she just wants to rip his face off…
We can only hope that she will pull her head in over the coming weeks, and realize that she’d have an awesome playmate if only she’d join the fun!
And #2): Ta da da daaaaaaa – the Power is finally on!!
It was finally hooked up by the electric company on Friday – which coincidentally enough – was the final day of the quoted timeline…. 😐
But on it finally is – and happy we are!
It was pretty awesome to be out there the other day, and to be able to plug in the battery chargers for the drill, circular saw and phone – and have them all happily humming away charging up, and to turn on the lights – and have them light up the darkest corners of the shed, where the sunlight doesnt yet reach…
This week, the block is being mowed by ‘Billy.’
Our ride-on is in need of some mechanical attention – which Max is coming to help us with on Tuesday afternoon – so hopefully we’ll get to learn about how to do that lil job ourselves also 🙂
But for now its back into the busy work week, even though we’d both much rather be out ‘doing stuff’ at the Farm… 🙂

This helping with the folding business is hard work!

(It’ll be a bloody duplex kennel if Molly doesn’t get her shit sorted!)

Bench-tops will be above, and another run of shelving below.
Lucky Pierre
Nice work team. Neat folding Digby TwoPointOh!
He is tending to take far more delight in UNfolding stuff of late, and he quite likes pretending he’s a shredder…….! 😐
linda Douglas
Our four dogs keep us amused as well. We have 3 Pomeranians (Buddha, Puppy, and Padfoot) and a part Australian Heeler, Scout, who thinks he needs to herd the Poms.