The #1 Thing
The #1 thing?
Well – the number one thing we would tell anyone in these uncertain times (other than wash your hands!), is to plant a garden.
Even if you have little to no experience gardening, there are things you can plant now that are relatively easy to grow, and which will feed you within a couple of months.
And if you have very little space, or you think that you don’t have enough room to plant food, you’re wrong…
Food can be grown in pots, buckets, raised beds, boxes, bags, tins, cup and all manner of things – other than just the ground!
We don’t know what the situation will be 3 months from now.
Maybe you’ll need the food from your garden, and maybe you won’t.
But either way, you’ll feel much more secure knowing that you are taking a proactive approach to this situation and will have food if you need it.
And if you don’t need it – then at least you’ll have had something to focus on in the interim – and you’ll have some fresh produce to eat, just for the pure enjoyment of it!
If you need some suggestions or guidance with how and/or what to grow, just pop us an email or comment below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we are able.
Until next time: Plant a garden, and WASH YOUR HANDS folks!