• Hot & Moist

    . We’ve had a couple of weeks of extremes on the weather scale… This time last week we were in the midst of a deluge, and were out in said deluge digging drainage trenches, and watching our 10kg doorstep float away!! The good thing about the rain is it replenished some ground-water, which was badly needed. Everything was getting very dry! It also meant that for the best part of a week, we got away with not having to water the gardens and orchard. This week, we are suffering through 32+ degree heatwaves. [35 today!] A lot of the plants – especially those in the nursery – are sagging from…

  • Time flies…

    . Firstly – we’d like to thank all of you wonderfully kind folks who sent your thoughts, love and support (and $$s!!!) to our Family members who’d been through the trauma of Hurricane Irma… Between the worry for our Family, a bit of down-time with illness, a sneaky weekend away, and work interrupting Life (as it does!) there

  • Kiwi kidults return!

    . We’ve had the kidults that were in New Zealand for most of the last year, back home for the last two weeks. (aka the KWL team) They stayed at the house in town, and have been doing some wonderful work for us while they visited. There has been a lot that they have achieved over the last fortnight

  • Jammin’

    . Today we’re rockin’ it out – and we’re jammin’….! Strawberry Jammin’ that is 😀 Yep – you can buy home-brand strawberry jam for super-cheap at the local supermarket, but when you read the ingredients on the back of the jar/tin, it can definitely give you a case of the willies, wondering why allllll that unnecessary stuff is even in there – and wondering just how much actual strawberries it even contains… So – at the moment in our part of the world, strawberries are thriving, and if you don’t grow them, they can be purchased for around $4kg – so who wouldn’t want to make jam?!?! And today we…

  • MORE visitors and job being done!

    . We’ve certainly had a few cold nights during the first couple of weeks of June, with the mercury hovering seriously close to ZERO °C on a couple of occasions. We’ve also had some light frost and the winds have amped up a bit, which adds to the

  • A ‘real’ Farm

    . Just a quick post today… Based on the criteria on which our grandson goes by, we now have a ‘real‘ Farm. Strigidae Farm wishes to announce the arrival of Izzy and Jac. Welcome additions to our crazy fun-filled Family. They’ll get to be lazy fertiliser generators over the Winter, but come Spring, they’d best be earning their keep popping out the occasional egg – or they’ll be making a fine soup! 😀