House & Garden

whats going on in the Home and Garden

  • Cooler Evenings

    Another couple of weeks seem to have flown on by, and the much welcomed cool evening are finally settling in around Strigidae Farm, and we’ve been plodding along – getting bits and pieces done about the place. We had some fairly huge downpours when the cyclone was shifting off down the coast, some of which came in – but we’re old hands at this now, and its nothing that a couple of well placed towels couldn’t fix! One of the fun things we’ve done of late, is to make our own laundry detergent. Its a super easy process, and doesn’t take too long at all – and cleans the clothes…

  • There she blows!

    We got very lucky this time round – with the cyclone dropping down further south. We were concerned that our first cyclone on the Farm was going to be this one, and whilst we prepared as well as we could, there was definitely some angst about how we would fare. As happens when events like this pop up – one tends to have a quiet word to “the above” – which in our case is always to two in particular, of our departed relatives: Dallas & Mac. Just a general kind of “please keep us, and our kids and grandies – safe“. Well we had a bit of a discussion…

  • Cyclone Prep

    Looks like we’re in for a ‘compulsory’ weekend clean up around the Farm!! The possibility of a late cyclone has reared its head, and according to the media-of-the-moment, it may well cross the coast late sunday or early monday. Of course cyclones never go according to plan – so its always a case of watch and wait, but while you’re doing the watching and the waiting, it does pay to do some cleaning up, just in case – and so that you aren’t rushing about at the last minute – thoroughly unprepared if it does turn up! Sooooo – instead of planting out into the now-filled big garden beds, as…

  • Mid-March Already!

    Good grief – we’re at the middle of March already! Not quite sure how that happened… The good thing about that though – is that its the start of Autumn, which should mean that the cooler weather will be on its way in a while, and thats a much happier time to be in the garden, with the plants liking it a whole a lot more – instead of being baked to within an inch of their lives… The bedroom feature wall has finally been finished as we told you – but still needs some tizzy-ing up, along with the installation of our big kingsized bed from the house in…

  • Done and Undone

    So after cracking it a number of times to the guy who has supposed to be doing the slashing for the last month – he finally turned up the other day. The very same day that it once again started raining, after 5 days of sunshine!! And surprise surprise – he left it until almost lunchtime on the day the rain recommenced; and the ground was once again too wet to get the tractor in. Aggghhh!!! We think he’d probably worked out that we were at the end of our tethers with him by this point though – and he wisely chose to tackle it on his ride-on instead –…

  • The rains are ‘ere…STILL!

    Another fortnight has some how passed by, and its little things again that have been accomplished – the types of things you don’t really see – but that need to get done…like decluttering, or packing boxes, or moving things to the Farm. We managed to score about 30m of drainage channels off a local sell/swap/buy site, which we got for super cheap. Bringing them home in the back of the truck was a bit of an adventure – and probably not strictly legal. lol We’re still watching the lay of the land – to determine where it will be best to lay them. We finally gave in, and decided a…

  • Rain, Rain and More Rain!

    We’ve had a LOT of rain over the last few weeks, but especially so over the last couple of days, and whilst its overcast today, so far its held off – so its time to get out and do some cleanup. We always knew we were going to have a bit of an issue with drainage – as to the naked eye, its such a very flat piece of land – but we’ve continued to hope that we can live here for at least a year, to get a full feel for how the land works, over that time – and just do the bare minimum as far as sorting…